You’re more likely a website or business owner that needs more powerful hosting – like VPS, dedicated or a cloud server. Maybe your site grew, maybe your old host kicked you off for abusing resources. Worse yet, the new hosting is complicated, and you’re confused on what to do. Help!
If this sounds like you, then you’re an ideal candidate for managed hosting.
Your hosting provider handles the day-to-day operation of your hosting environment, and you focus exclusively on your business.
Why Managed Hosting is Smart for Business
1. Your time is too valuable
Every minute you waste on managing a server is time that was stolen from managing your business.
Simple Example:
Your site is not working. You’re not sure why.
Would you rather open a support ticket, asking the techs for help (for an issue that would take them 5 minutes at most)?
Or … would you prefer to spend hours diagnosing the issue yourself (with no guarantees that you’ll fix it)?
Most professionals know to delegate tasks. You hand off the tech issues to a tech, and focus on your own important tasks.
2. Technical knowledge no longer required
Managing a server sounds easy – just follow some Google guides, right?
But it’s not that easy.
You may have a general idea how servers work. Maybe even how to get your server up and running when it’s new, and start hosting sites. But eventually problems will happen. And you’ll be stuck. Or worse, the victim of bad advice!
Ask yourself this:
How will you handle DNS clustering, PHP exploits, MySQL corruption, faulty server updates, accidental firewall lock-outs, spam, performance tuning analysis, or even a simple server downtime?
You’ll never deal with the volume of scenarios that your hosting provider does. Managed hosting providers work on thousands of tickets per year.
They’ve probably already seen the issue you face, and can quickly resolve it.
A wise person defers to the experience of experts!

3. Cost effective
A common myth is that managed hosting will cost more.
But it really doesn’t.
Once you factor in the “hidden costs” of an unmanaged server (example: buying backups), it’s not that different. And it’s likely that, at some point, you’ll have to hire an expert admin to perform complex tasks that would have been covered by a managed hosting provider.
And independent admins charge far more than a host does!
EuroVPS = your managed hosting expert
You’ll save time, reduce stress, and gain peace of mind by letting EuroVPS manage your servers. We want you to be successful at your business. Focus your attention on your clients.
EuroVPS answers your support tickets in under 30 minutes, and solve problems on daily basis. We work with small, medium and large businesses and have deep-rooted experience in enterprise-hosting that extends back to the 1990’s.
Make the intelligent decision today. Contact us. It’ll be the one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.