Girl Gone International connects and empowers women of the digital generation, working and travelling abroad.

"Before I moved to EuroVPS by website loaded in just under 19 seconds and I was pulling my hair out trying to find the reason."
Anne Scott, Founder- Monthly Traffic 20,000 Visitors/month
- Product VPS
- Industry Digital Publisher
- Company Girl Gone International
- Country International
The project we are undertaking is very large and visible and time consuming so knowing that IT related issues are under control frees me and my team up to focus on what we are good at.
Can you describe your business and what you do?
Girl Gone International is an online and face to face community, network and a culture which represents, connects and empowers the new digital generation of women living or traveling abroad.
We are established as a non-profit organization which operates and has a presence globally. We operate across local and global levels and platforms. We have hubs in over 100 cities and growing fast. We create 1000s of events every year all over the world. We have an active member base and readership of our online travel lifestyle magazine of 120,000+.
What CMS / Application are you hosting?
We’re currently running a WordPress site and BuddyPress social network. We’re currently working on a complete redesign so stay tuned!
What kind of problems did you experience at your previous host?
Our website was sluggish and every few weeks it crashed because of the hosts own server issues (FXW) and I found it hard to get tailored, personal service which is important to me as IT is not my world and I need things to be explained to me in a non-technical, low on jargon, unpatronising way and that is what I happily found at EuroVPS. Previous hosts would refer me to their FAQ page or a link and that just frustrated me as I need personal, tailored assistance.
How do our services assist you in managing your online business?
I would say it has removed one major stressor for me as I know this area is covered and in safe hands and that help is on hand when I need it. The project we are undertaking is very large and visible and time-consuming so knowing that IT related issues are under control frees me and my team up to focus on what we are good at. Also, something simple that knowing someone actually cares and are invested in helping you and understand what you are doing is really priceless.
What performance benefits did you gain moving to us?
Before I moved to EuroVPS by website loaded in just under 19 seconds and I was pulling my hair out trying to find the reason. My existing hosting provider at that time would tell me that it wasn’t their fault, and I had to check with my developer. My developer was not responding to my emails, and I felt utterly helpless. It was then when I decided to look into switching hosts, I was out of options. EuroVPS immediately helped me locate the problem. My background images were unoptimised and were a staggering 19MB file size!
“Even though it wasn’t their problem, they actually took the time to help. I liked that.”
How do you feel about the ongoing managed support?
The support system is really friendly, straightforward and so fast. They have helped me from silly little things to larger issues smoothly and quickly. Again, for me, this means that I don’t have to stress because I know if we have a problem that it will be fixed, I am always confident of that.
How have your costs changed since you joined EuroVPS?
Costs are transparent and there are no surprises which is important as we are self funded and on a very tight budget.
In three words, how would you describe us?
“Person-centered, Quality, Invested”
Why would you recommend EuroVPS?
Because I have tried many hosting providers before from Blue Host to Host Gator and have had a headache upon a headache. So I know with utmost confidence that I can recommend EuroVPS to anyone from small start-up businesses who need scalability to allow for smooth growth to bloggers big and small. Because for me EuroVPS offers a bridge into a technical world that can be overwhelming and confusing for those with no background in it.
Favorite benefits
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